
Born 1969 in Uppsala, Sweden. Lives and works at Rådmansö and Stockholm


Konstfack, 2018; Skrivandets förhandlingar – konflikt och ansvar i text

Konsthögskolan Umeå universitet (Academy of fine arts, Umeå university) 1995–2000; Master of Fine arts, 2000

Artist in-residence Los Angeles, MAK Center for Art and architecture/Schindler house 1998/99

Gueststudent in Los Angeles, mentorship by Laurence A. Rickels, professor in German litterature, USCB, psychoanalyst, critic 1997

Gerlesborgsskolan i Stockholm 1994-95, Filmvetenskap och Konstvetenskap vid Stockholms universitet 1993-94

Solo shows

2022 Detroit Stockholm gallery

2019 Norrtälje konsthall

2019 Vallentuna konsthall 1

2017 Galleri 54, Göteborg/Gothenburg

2015 Wip : Stockholm with Johan Frid

2015 Avesta konsthall

2014 Norrtälje konsthall “Observationer”

2012 Lilla K, Stadsbiblioteket Norrtälje 9/5-5/6

2012  Rosa huset gallery, Gävle 31/3-29/4

2011 Konsthuset Uppsala 20/3: exhibition and reading

2006 Konsthallen, Sandviken, Feb–March I´m gonna bomb your ass/Lettre couvert (DVD projection 11 min. and letterdrawing, 9 meter long paperwork- the continuation of a process started 2003)

2003 Galleri Ping Pong, Malmö, Sept–Oct 2003 Iggyletter II (1998–-2003) and Lettre Couvert (beginning of a process)

2002 Båstadsgatan 4, Malmö, installation, drawings and paintings

2000 Uppsala Konstmuseum, Uppstickare installation Vision from inside

2000 Stockholm Art Fair, representing Umeå Konsthögskola:

Kingletter I-II, Iggyletter, Lettre Simultane (simultaneous letterpiece to the Swedish king and Iggy Pop) Iggyletter II (in progress) and poetry drawings

Group shows and readings

2023 Konstsalong Odengatan, Stockholm, Cirkeln

2022 Rönnells antikvariat, Stockholm: readings, Dark envelopes and poetry (Issue #1: Mark)

2021 Konstgalleriet Hälleforsnäs, Flens kommun

2020 Postcardsize exhibition, Bestfriendsshowroom, Falun

2019 Konst i ån, Norrtälje

2018 Moderna museet Stockholm Kungörelsen performance with Nya Konstnärsklubben

2018 Dalarnas museum Sammankomsten/The gathering (exhibition within the collections of the Dalarnas museum, Falun)

2018 Konstsalong Odengatan, Stockholm, Minnet är en dröm

2015 Galleri Se, Falun (GSK) Shifting the focus (exhibition with copper prints)

2014 Fylkingen, Stockholm:  Performance and exhibition

2014 Rånäs slott, Uppland

2012 Nordiska akvarellmuseet

2011 Nordiska Akvarellmuseet/Nordic Watercolor museum, Skärhamn; Here and there: From the museum collection

2011 Konst i ån, Norrtälje 1/7-15/8 (exhibition in the Norrtälje river): Trut (a poem from the poetry/drawingwork The Berzelius Suite, made as a signpost in aluminium with the poem painted on it with metal paint)

2011 Zozozozozon performance night, Norrtälje konsthall 5/6

2011 Konsthuset Uppsala 20/3: exhibition and reading

2011 Falu Konstvecka/konstnatt (Falun Artweek) 22-30/1

2010-11 Konsthallen Norrtälje:  group exhibition

2010 Zozozozon Performancenatt Konsthallen Norrtälje, reading: Reading of the work (14/8)

2010 Galleri Se, Falun: Fw/Drawing (July-August)

2009/10 Norrtälje Konsthall: Combined Lines (drawing exhibition with Swedish and Finnish artists)

2009 Ålands konstmuseum: Combined Lines

2008 Uppsala, Walmstedtska gården (25/9-5/10) 10×10,  arranged by HAKA: Starting point for long-term project Lettre Simultane II, graphite underdrawing/sketch work featuring artist/Iggy Pop/Swedish king Carl XVI Gustaf, later finished in watercolor 2010 at another exhibition.

2007 Konstrea, Kungsträdgården, Stockholm kulturfestival

2006 Liljevalch´s konsthall, Stockholm Konstrea

2004 Oct. Sandvikens konsthall

2005 June-Aug. Moviken Art: Hej Publik!

2002 Nordic Watercolor Museum Wet dreams

2001 Galleri Rostrum Malmö

2000 Uppsala konstmuseum Dec-Jan 2001: Anna-Lisa Thomson-exhibition, new stipendiates: Iggyletter I (1998-99), Iggyletter II (in-progress since 1998, finished 2003 in Malmö)

Galleri Signal, Malmö Ny I stan

Departure curated by Sarah Gavlak, Konsthögskolan Umeå, Bildmuséet Umeå, Wetterling gallery, Stockholm

1999 Wanås sculpture park (Mötet på Wanås slott/meeting at Wanås castle, a watercolour picturing me and countess Wachmeister in a steel- and glasstable in the park)

MAK center for art & architecture, March-99, Mackey aptms, Los Angeles: works on paper,(starting point for IggyletterIIFucking houses (sculpture, 1999) and works on paper


2019 Längmanska kulturfonden

2018 1-årigt arbetsstipendium, Bildkonstnärsfonden

2015 Längmanska kulturfonden

2010  7-day work residency, Nordic Watercolor Museum, Skärhamn, Sweden

2005 Landstinget Gävleborgs Kulturstipendium Katalonien

2004 Gävleborgs läns yngrestipendium

2002 BUF Bildkonstnärernas Upphovsrättsfond

2000 Helge Ax:son Johnson, Anna-Lisa Thomson till minne, Stockholm Art Fair

1999/ 98 MAK Schindler award /Artist and architects in-residence, Los Angeles

 Göranssonska kulturstiftelsens stipendium, 1998 and 1996
1996 Letterstedska stipendiet 1996

Publications (selected)

2024 Hjärnstorm, #minne/glömska

2021 Ofullständigt lexikon/Uncomplete Dictionary (catalogue, texts by Windy Fur Rundgren and poems by Åse Frid)

2017 Renskrift (catalogue, with texts by Bengt Jangfeldt, Pernilla Josefsson and poems by Åse Frid)

Other artprojects

2011 Poesilabbet, workshop on performative work

2006 Distinguished Grey, (dvd, 7 min.) with Johan Frid, for event at the MAK (Museum fur Angegewandte Kunst) Wien, at the release of catalogue Schindler by MAK

2002 The Frid In´n out refuge : model/longdistansproject, together with Johan Frid, for workshop by MAK-stipendiates at Rirkrit Tiravanija´s show at the Secession, Wien

 Till kungen och dom andra/For the king and others 10 min. production for Sveriges Radio
/Swedish national radio (i serien Flipper och konsten, P3 Flipper aired 9/9)


2004 Platsens själ: (K.U.L) Konstpedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete i länet, regi Gävleborgs läns museum, projekt, Hammargymnasiet, Sandviken.

1999 Seminar by MAK stipendiates, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena

1998 Work in progress, presentation, Schindler museum, W. Hollywood, Los Angeles, 1998

Public Assignments

Längs vägen mot Oslättfors, utsmyckning och rumslig gestaltning, Barnkliniken vid Gävle sjukhus, tillsammans med Johan Frid. Childrens clinic, Gävle Hospital, Sweden. På uppdrag av Konst Gävleborg vid Gävleborgs läns landsting. Painting, play-stations, wooden butterflies, textilesculpture and other objects, made after interacting with the staff and children.

Represented at

Statens Konstråd

Nordic Watercolor museum/Akvarellmuseet Skärhamn

Landstinget Gävleborg; Barnkliniken på Gävle Sjukhus

Norrtälje Kommun, Stadsbiblioteket

Umeå Kommun: Stadsbiblioteket

Sandvikens kommun

Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien


phone: +46-70-9236444 mail: ase[at]

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